Saturday, September 24, 2011

Action Comics #2 cover visual rhetoric

The cover to next month's Action Comics #2 has been linked to and this image tells us a lot of things that are going to be changed for this revised Superman.

-The fact that Superman is imprisoned by what looks to be government agents who are pointing guns at him shows that Superman is going to be some sort of fugitive from the law. Before this change, Superman worked alongside the police and was loved by all.

-Superman's heat vision eyes, his gritting teeth, and his general angered demeanor tells us that Superman is going to be a lot "edgier" as some people have put it. He's not going to be the nicest superhero and is going to take more of a Batman approach to crimefighting.

-In this cover, Superman's costume is a simple blue t-shirt with the superman symbol on it, blue jeans, and a simple blue cape. This tell us that at least this incarnation of Superman is from the past instead of the armored look that superman apparently has in the present.

1 comment:

  1. Noah:
    INteresting image. Note the purpose of the task is to lok at contemporary controversies. Any ways of connecting DC Comics to a statement on our contemporary crises? Often, connections can be made. What, then, is the purpose (or argument) of the image?

    Mr. Heller
