Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Comic Book Blog- Week 2

For week 2, we are going to examine a post on A Comic Book Blog that was posted on November 29'th, 2011 on their overall opinion of DC's New 52 reboot now that all of the issue 1's have been released.

-The Blog's position is overwhelmingly negative, saying that the New 52 does not match up to what DC high ups said it would be.
- The Blog qualifies these statements, acknowledging the books that do meet these standards, while using the books that do not as evidence against DC.
-The Blog brings up the point that DC has rebooted little to none in the Batman, Green Lantern, and Legion of Superheroes line of books, requiring readers to know of past occurrences, such as the death of Earth Man in the last Legion arc before the reboot.
-The Blog challenges DC's definition of an icon, citing that the current Robin, Damian Wayne, is the least iconic of all the Robins, and that the new look of characters Harley Quinn and Amanda Waller in the Suicide Squad comic look nothing like their "iconic" interpretations.
- The Blog also notes the abundant use of sex, such as the scene between Catwoman and Batman in Catwoman #1, and graphic violence, such as the bloody cliffhanger of Batwing #1.

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